Does RG SQL Scripts Manager 2 Still Support PowerShell Scripts?

The overview for Red Gate SQL Scripts Manager version 1 mentioned T-SQL, Powershell and IronPython scripts. The overview for version 2 drops the reference to Powershell scripts. Does the product still support Powershell scripts?
If it does support Powershell scripts this extends the usefulness of the product way beyond working with SQL Server. Powershell can do system admin work, run scripts against Oracle databases via Windows utilities, etc..
If it does support Powershell scripts this extends the usefulness of the product way beyond working with SQL Server. Powershell can do system admin work, run scripts against Oracle databases via Windows utilities, etc..
Best Answer
squigley Posts: 251 Gold 1
Good Afternoon!There should still be support for Powershell even within the later versions of Redgate SQL Script Manager.You can see it mentioned in the following worked examples: