Deadlock issue.
. We are getting an exception when running the substitution rule and getting deadlock issue.This happens mainly running with ore than 1 workers.Can anyone help on this please ASAP.
Best Answer
PlantBasedSQL Posts: 187 Gold 4
Good afternoon @arungk thank you for your post.
The deadlock is likely because you have more than one rule in a rule block running against the same table. More about ensuring you set up appropriate dependencies to avoid deadlocks can be found here:
and more on speeding up substitution rules and improving concurrency can be found here:
Please let me know how you get on and if there's anything further I can do to help - thank you very much!
The error i found is between the rules in RangeSplitter ,which causing the deadlock to happen.I am not able to edit the RangeSplitter to arrange the rules.Can you please tell me how to avoid deadlock in rules in splitrule.
If you are having deadlocks between range splitter rules then potentially there must be some overlap between them or the ranges have not been specified correctly.
Have you checked that the range splitter has been defined correctly and that the rules don't cross-over when it comes to the range values?
Also if you would like me to take a further, more in-depth look at this, please feel free to send your .dmsmaskset Masking Set (which doesn't contain any sensitive data, it is just the XML config file) and, if possible, the logs from the deadlocking run, and I will investigate this further.
My email is:
Thank you very much - have a great weekend.