Password to execute package
I want to point on my need to set a password to execute a package.
Might be interesting for others too.
Hope that you set this on the list for future versions.
Might be interesting for others too.
Hope that you set this on the list for future versions.
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
Sure. As ISV we provide software solutions to our customers incl! fully customized solutions within separate databases. Customers buy a) the software as framework b) one ore more databases as solution for their specific business solution.
We use packager as deployment tool to deploy our customized databases to our customers SQL servers. Since these databases contain our know how we do not want anybody to grab this know how by just copy/paste an .exe file. A password would make this process a little bit more secure preventing the .exe to spread to easy.
Does this make sense?
btw: I would not be able to maintain all these databases without Data Compare! It's my daily fun to use this effectiveness booster :-)