Help with on-premise Agent failure

Is there a required OS version of windows for Change Automation to work with Azure DevOps? My goal is to build and deploy locally on my VM for testing. I am using Azure DevOps for source control and hoping to automate builds on my laptop for testing when I push changes out DevOps for the source control. My goal is to build and deploy to my local instance of SQL server on my laptop.
I have configured a remote agent and its working on my laptop. I can see builds (fail with the message below) using it and see my source control go to my local drive used for the agent.
I am using windows 2012 OS and get this interesting error message that stumps me. Hopefully, someone can help.
I have configured a remote agent and its working on my laptop. I can see builds (fail with the message below) using it and see my source control go to my local drive used for the agent.
I am using windows 2012 OS and get this interesting error message that stumps me. Hopefully, someone can help.
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO HostContext] Well known directory 'Bin': 'C:\agent\bin'
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO HostContext] Well known directory 'Root': 'C:\agent'
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO HostContext] Well known directory 'Work': 'C:\agent\_work'
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO HostContext] Well known directory 'Tasks': 'C:\agent\_work\_tasks'
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO TaskManager] Loading task definition 'C:\agent\_work\_tasks\RedgateSqlChangeAutomationBuild_7345fe1b-d099-46f0-a0d1-7292cd17feee\3.0.4\task.json'.
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z ERR StepsRunner] Caught exception from step: System.Exception: A supported task execution handler was not found. The task does not carry an implementation that is compatible with your current operating system 'Windows(X86)'. Contact the task author for more details.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Worker.TaskRunner.RunAsync()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Worker.StepsRunner.RunStepAsync(IStep step, CancellationToken jobCancellationToken)
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO StepsRunner] Step result: Failed
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO StepsRunner] Update job result with current step result 'Failed'.
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO StepsRunner] Current state: job state = 'Failed'
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO StepsRunner] Processing step: DisplayName='Perform Create', ContinueOnError=False, Enabled=True
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO ExpressionManager] Evaluating: succeeded()
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO ExpressionManager] Result: False
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO StepsRunner] Skipping step due to condition evaluation.
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO StepsRunner] Processing step: DisplayName='Checkout', ContinueOnError=False, Enabled=True
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO ExpressionManager] Evaluating: AlwaysNode()
[2019-01-30 03:35:24Z INFO ExpressionManager] Result: True
Best Answer
Sergio R Posts: 610 Rose Gold 5
Windows Server 2012 is supported:
However, you need to use a 64-bit Azure DevOps agent:
Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
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