Using the Change Automation for VSTS Dropped all of the tables in my target DB

Redgate SQL Change Automation: Build builds my change automation project to a nuget package.
The build artifact contains a baseline script generated with the creation of the project in VS
The build artifact contains a baseline script generated with the creation of the project in VS
Redgate SQL Change Automation: Release then runs using that artifact.
I have opened the nuget package and verified that it looks alright.
The process then DROPS all the tables, procedures and functions in the database. Leaving me with no data...
I have opened the nuget package and verified that it looks alright.
The process then DROPS all the tables, procedures and functions in the database. Leaving me with no data...
Best Answers
Sergio R Posts: 610 Rose Gold 5
It looks like this is happening because in the Build settings, the operation is set to "Build a SQL Source Control Project".
You need to change this to "Build a SQL Change Automation Project" and then re-run the build and create a new release.
Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
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Sergio R Posts: 610 Rose Gold 5
@Monday That's a very good suggestion, I have discussed this with our development team and we agree with you.
We are going to investigate how to implement this in the tool.
Please keep an eye on the release notes for any updates regarding this:
Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
Please see our Help Center for detailed guides on how to use our tools
A couple things. First, when you say the nuget package looks alright, can you explain what you mean here? I assume you mean that you see an 001_xxx script for the baseline and then some 002_yyyy, 003_zzz scripts for migrations?
What did you run as far as SQL Change Automation. There are lots of cmdlets here that can be run, so can you describe the release process steps?
There was no migration there was only one baseline file.