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Cannot sync any object when User defined data type has a change

vijayshankar_mvijayshankar_m Posts: 3 New member
edited December 16, 2018 6:12AM in SQL Compare
When we tried to sync up any object when there is a change in the User Defined Data Type, we are getting the below message. CartonTypes is one of the table object. However, if we remove CartonTypes table, the same error comes up with another table in sequence. FYI: CartonTypes table is either not at all part of differences or related the user defined data type which has difference. Our SQL compare version is: Standard. We are using default redgate options



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    Hi @vijayshankar_m,

    Version 13.3.5 is about 6 months old and there have been several fixes in the intervening versions related to UDT so it would be good to update to the latest version (download here) to ensure that it still occurs in that version.  If it does still occur please let me know and then I can get the creation scripts for the table and type and see if I can reproduce it here locally.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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    vijayshankar_mvijayshankar_m Posts: 3 New member
    edited December 17, 2018 3:00PM
    Hey Alex, we updated to Still, we are not out the issue mentioned. However, there is some more updates from me is - we identified that this is happening due to Computed Columns. CartonTypes table, which I above mentioned has computed column and if I remove it, the error is showing on another table which has Computed Column and so on.

    Even when I am trying to sync only one UDT. It is restricting on trying to sync any object (procedure, view, etc) when an UDT is showing in difference. Is there any option, I need to choose?
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    Any update Alex?
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    Hi Vijay,

    Apologies for the delay!  You should try the latest SQL Compare - now 13.6.7 (I had linked 13.6.6 above); there is a fix for computed columns in 13.6.4.


    I've tried reproducing your issue, but I'm not 100% clear on what the issue is.  I created a table with a computed column that uses a UDT and it deploys them all just fine, and it also deploys a change to the UDT fine.

    If that isn't correct then please let me know and provide the ddl creation scripts for one set of the objects you are having an issue with (UDT and table).  If you can't send this over the forum please let me know and I can contact you directly.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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