SQL Prompt causes SSMS to hang when 'Enable Code Analysis' is enabled

in SQL Prompt
I just updated to the latest because the previous version (i think it was 9.4.3) had the this problem.
It appears still to be the case.
Any solutions?
I just updated to the latest because the previous version (i think it was 9.4.3) had the this problem.
It appears still to be the case.
Any solutions?
It only happens when I click with the mouse on the underlined word.
When navigating with the keyboard there is no problem at all
Minimizing the window (by clicking the SSMS icon the Windows taskbar) and then maximizing the window again, temporarily solves the problem (until I accidentily click an underlined word).
I can recover with pressing the esc key and then clicking away from SSMS and then back in and quickly clicking away from the underlined text. If I don't do this it will end up hanging to the point of crashing my SSMS.
System information:
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 14.0.1016.283
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 10.0.17134.1
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.11.17134.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.42000
Operating System 6.3.17134
SQL Promt version :
When code analysis highlights an issue with the green squiggly underline, if I just right-click on that issue that issue, SSMS will lock up. If I first double left-click on that issue, and then right-click SSMS does not lock up.
When SSMS does lock up I can recover at any time by clicking Ctrl-Esc
repro steps:
type "exec spMyStoredProcedure" (leaving out the dbo.)
This will trigger an issue "Schema name for procedure is not specified" as i didn't put in dbo.
Right click the spMyProcedure (to say do script as alter), Will hang and the issue icon will flicker.
If I add dbo. in I still get the same problem though.
Works normally with code analysis off.
+1 appears to suffer from the same issue