How to Construct a URL for Webservices using variable parameters

OK I have a script which works and I want to turn this into a procedure, so I can call the procedure from an application. However I have 2 parameters within the script that form part of the URL that is used to call webservices. The said script is below.
My application will pass 2 parameters to the URL, namely date and Both are highlighted in bold Italics in the script. Yes the script will return the correct values from the JSON output from the application concerned. So it all works as it stands.
Now I want to create this as a procedure to call from my application (a PowerApps application) but pass to the procedure both the date and I have tried constructing the url by using declare statements and the parameters but did not work.
Any thoughts ideas etc greatfully accepted.
My application will pass 2 parameters to the URL, namely date and Both are highlighted in bold Italics in the script. Yes the script will return the correct values from the JSON output from the application concerned. So it all works as it stands.
Now I want to create this as a procedure to call from my application (a PowerApps application) but pass to the procedure both the date and I have tried constructing the url by using declare statements and the parameters but did not work.
Any thoughts ideas etc greatfully accepted.
DECLARE @response NVARCHAR(max);
--get the data from the provider as JSON
EXECUTE dbo.GetWebService '',
@response OUTPUT;
--Insert into Schedules
--(SchedID, Type, JobNo, TotalHrs, EmployeeID, SchedDate, StartTime, FinishTime)
Select SchedID, Type, JobNo, TotalHrs, EmployeeID, SchedDate, StartTime, FinishTime
FROM OpenJson(@response)
with (SchedID numeric N'$.ID', Type CHAR(15) N'$.Type', JobNo nvarchar(5) N'$.Reference', TotalHrs Dec(4,2) N'$.TotalHours', SchedDate Date N'$.Date', EmployeeID numeric(6) N'$.Staff.ID', Blocks nvarchar(max) N'$.Blocks' as JSON)
(StartTime datetimeoffset N'$.ISO8601StartTime', FinishTime datetimeoffset N'$.ISO8601EndTime' );
Best Answer
PBA Posts: 2 New member
I have an answer from an alternate source for anyone interested.
Take the code above and here it is. The convert statements enable the passing of parameters into the URL construct.create procedure dbo.MyProcedure(@Date date, @StaffId numeric)asbeginset @Url = '' + convert(varchar(10), @Date, 23) + '&Staff.ID=' + convert(varchar(3),@StaffId);--get the data from the provider as JSON--Insert into Schedules (SchedID, Type, JobNo, TotalHrs, EmployeeID, SchedDate, StartTime, FinishTime)select SchedID, Type, JobNo, TotalHrs, EmployeeID, SchedDate, StartTime, FinishTimeFROM OpenJson(@response)WITH (SchedID numeric N'$.ID', Type CHAR(15) N'$.Type', JobNo nvarchar(5) N'$.Reference', TotalHrs Dec(4,2) N'$.TotalHours', SchedDate Date N'$.Date', EmployeeID numeric(6) N'$.Staff.ID', Blocks nvarchar(max) N'$.Blocks' as JSON)OUTER APPLY OpenJson(Blocks)WITH (StartTime datetimeoffset N'$.ISO8601StartTime', FinishTime datetimeoffset N'$.ISO8601EndTime' );ENDgo