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Anyone seeing a performance issue with static data checking turned on with SSC

Since this update, when switching form the SQL Source Control tab to an empty query window or from an query window back into SQL Source Control tab, SSMS just hangs there for 5-6 seconds.  If you turn off Check For Changes To Static Data, this problem goes away.  Funny thing is, before this release, I didn't see that problem at all in a previous version. In fact, I just went to a machine here, that is running and that machine doesn't have the performance issue
Mark Moore
Software Engineer
NTS Data Services, LLC


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    I can't replicate this, but then I probably don't have an accurate reproduction. How large is your database/how many objects/how much static data?
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    mmooremmoore Posts: 36 Bronze 4

    First, the amount of static data we have is about 56Kbytes  It's really small, maybe 30 rows in 10 tables.  Like I said, this wasn't a problem until recently. 

    Funny thing, is everyone else that has upgraded to the latest version of Red-Gate Source Control don't have this issue either.

    So, I am going to uninstall RGSC and re-install it to see if I have something corrupted.  First, I am going to unlink all my databases, then I will uninstall, then I will do a clean install.  See what happens after that.

    Mark Moore
    Software Engineer
    NTS Data Services, LLC
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