Can I have Cross/Outer Apply or Cross Join match the same format style as other join conditions?

in SQL Prompt
This is what I want ..
From BaseRate t3 Cross Join
MasterBenefitsRates t4 Left Join
EmployeesBenefitsRates t5 On t4.CompanyID = t5.CompanyID
And t4.BenefitID = t5.BenefitID
This is what I get ..
This is what I get ..
From BaseRate t3 Cross Join MasterBenefitsRates t4 Left Join
EmployeesBenefitsRates t5 On t4.CompanyID = t5.CompanyID
And t4.BenefitID = t5.BenefitID
Really bad with multiple cross applies - Keeps appending to the end of the previous join. Any way to treat the "Apply and cross join" just like the other join conditions?
Really bad with multiple cross applies - Keeps appending to the end of the previous join. Any way to treat the "Apply and cross join" just like the other join conditions?
It seems that this is a known issue that is currently being reviewed. You can reference this by SP-6989. I've went ahead and linked a support ticket to this bug and will update you on it as it progresses. Sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused. Please let me know if there are any questions.
Kind regards,