Embedding SmartAssembly in vcxproj file

Currently, I'm using SmartAssembly as part of my release builds for C# applications with this added to my project files:
<UsingTask TaskName="SmartAssembly.MSBuild.Tasks.Build" AssemblyName="SmartAssembly.MSBuild.Tasks, Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7f465a1c156d4d57" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">
<SmartAssembly.MSBuild.Tasks.Build ProjectFile="$(ProjectFolder)MyProject.saproj" input="$(OutDir)MyProject.exe" output="$(OutDir)MyProject.exe" OverwriteAssembly="true" />
This works great for C#. What do I do for a managed C++ (vcxproj) project? How can I automate signing and obfuscation for C++?
This works great for C#. What do I do for a managed C++ (vcxproj) project? How can I automate signing and obfuscation for C++?
If, for some reason, you're using Microsoft's managed c++ or c++/cli we don't support that I'm afraid.