Red Gate Jobs Getting Failed (Urgent)

Yesterday i changed the sa password for all instance where red gate was also running to generate full backup and logshipping logs, my all jobs and maintenance plan is running perfectly which were created by sql server but all the red gate jobs are getting failed. its showing me following errors when i click on failed job at red gate UI.
Failed to connect to sql server instance: (Red Gate UI)
View history of sql server 2005:-
Date 1/20/2009 9:48:37 AM
Log Job History (SQL Backup log shipping job for database ACCPAY created 12/22/2008 12:36:39 PM)
Step ID 1
Job Name SQL Backup log shipping job for database ACCPAY created 12/22/2008 12:36:39 PM
Step Name execute master..sqlbackup
Duration 00:00:01
Sql Severity 16
Sql Message ID 50000
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
Executed as user: MEA\SQL.Account. SQL Backup failed with exit code: 586 SQL error code: 18456 [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 50000). The step failed.
My current component version is
I have also upgrate the SQL backup pro but it giving following error while upgrading server component.
Description Status
Check installed version Failed
the sql server extended stored procedure dll version, was expected.
Its very urgent pls response me ASAP.
Yesterday i changed the sa password for all instance where red gate was also running to generate full backup and logshipping logs, my all jobs and maintenance plan is running perfectly which were created by sql server but all the red gate jobs are getting failed. its showing me following errors when i click on failed job at red gate UI.
Failed to connect to sql server instance: (Red Gate UI)
View history of sql server 2005:-
Date 1/20/2009 9:48:37 AM
Log Job History (SQL Backup log shipping job for database ACCPAY created 12/22/2008 12:36:39 PM)
Step ID 1
Job Name SQL Backup log shipping job for database ACCPAY created 12/22/2008 12:36:39 PM
Step Name execute master..sqlbackup
Duration 00:00:01
Sql Severity 16
Sql Message ID 50000
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
Executed as user: MEA\SQL.Account. SQL Backup failed with exit code: 586 SQL error code: 18456 [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 50000). The step failed.
My current component version is
I have also upgrate the SQL backup pro but it giving following error while upgrading server component.
Description Status
Check installed version Failed
the sql server extended stored procedure dll version, was expected.
Its very urgent pls response me ASAP.
When you installed SQLBackup did you use SQL authentication and use the sa account to run SQLBackup?
Did you by any chance use 'SQL Server Authentication' mode that the service application will use to log in to the SQL Server while installing the server components? If this is the case then the easiest way to fix this problem is to uninstall the server components and then install it again with the correct sa password.
If you have registered your SQL Server instance on the SQL Backup UI using SQL Server authentication, you can edit the registration and enter the correct password for sa. This will reconnect the SQL Server instance on the UI.
For server components, it seems that the upgrade has not happened correctly, uninstall the server components on this SQL Server instance and then install it again. The server components installer can be found in the client install directory and it is named as SQBServerSetup.exe
Hope this helps.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software