v 13.4.5: how to ignore role definitions
Posts: 12 New member
in SQL Compare
given the following definition, what options need to be set to ignore the entire Create Role definition when comparing with SQL Compare 13.4.5..*?
I've played with the options and while I can get the sp_addextendedproperty line to ignore, I have no luck with anything else.
-- Role
CREATE ROLE [rbt_DB_Management]
-- Database Level Permissions
GRANT SHOWPLAN TO [rbt_DB_Management]
-- Extended Properties
EXEC sp_addextendedproperty N'rbt_Description', N'The purpose of this database role is to grant VIEW DEFINITION and SHOWPLAN permissions for developmental/management purposes.', 'USER', N'rbt_DB_Management', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
Best Answer
Michelle T Posts: 566 Gold 1It looks like what you want to do is actually filter out the role object type? (Open the filter sidebar from the '0 objects filtered' button on the button bar, then uncheck 'Role' from the list.)
Or if you want to filter out this particular role rather than all roles, you can click on the blue pen icon that appears when you hover over the 'role' checkbox to specify name-based rules for filtering out roles.Software Developer
Redgate Software
I've made a note that we should consider having some kind of link from the project options dialog here, though.
Redgate Software