Issue creating Release Artifacts using Powershell cmdlets

I'm trying to get a powershell-based CI/CD pipeline configured, but I'm having difficulty with the Powershell cmdlets. What I'm trying to accomplish is to programmatically deploy an existing SCA database to an empty database.
The issue I'm running into is that when I build the release artifact, it doesn't seem to be picking up anything but the default system database tables, so the generated script looks like this:
/*<br> Generated on 10/Aug/2018 11:00 by Redgate SQL Change Automation v3.0.1.2275<br> This script is empty because the Target and Source schemas are identical.<br>*/
I would instead have expected this script to contain CREATE TABLE statements for the tables that exist in the SCA project.
Am I overlooking something somewhere? The script itself is fairly simple at this point, as it's just in a proof-of-concept phase:
# CI build/deploy of a Redgate database<br>Install-Module -Name SqlServer -Scope CurrentUser<br><br># NuGet<br>$packageVersion = "1.0.0"<br>$packageId = "Redgate.Sca.FromExistingDb"<br>$project = [String]::Format("{0}\{1}", (pwd), "Redgate.Sca.FromExistingDb")<br><br># Artifacts<br>$buildArtifactLocation = [String]::Format("{0}\DbArtifacts\Build", (pwd))<br>$releaseArtifactLocation = [String]::Format("{0}\DbArtifacts\Release", (pwd))<br><br># Deployment<br>$deploymentTargetServer = ".\SQLEXPRESS"<br>$deploymentTargetDb = "Redgate.Sca.CI.Staging"<br><br>Write-Host("Validating database project")<br>$validatedProject = $project | Invoke-DatabaseBuild<br>$documentation = $validatedProject | New-DatabaseDocumentation<br><br>Write-Host("Building database Build artifact...")<br>$buildArtifact = $validatedProject | New-DatabaseBuildArtifact -PackageId $packageId -PackageVersion $packageVersion -Documentation $documentation<br><br>Write-Host("Exporting database Build artifact...")<br>$buildArtifact | Export-DatabaseBuildArtifact -Path $buildArtifactLocation<br><br>Write-Host("Building database Release artifact")<br>$deploymentConnection = New-DatabaseConnection -ServerInstance $deploymentTargetServer -Database $deploymentTargetDb<br>$buildArtifact = Import-DatabaseBuildArtifact ([String]::Format("{0}\{1}.{2}.nupkg", $buildArtifactLocation, $packageId, $packageVersion))<br>$releaseArtifact = New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact -Source $buildArtifact -Target $deploymentConnection -IncludeIdenticalsInReport -verbose<br><br>Write-Host("Exporting database Release artifact")<br>$releaseArtifact | Export-DatabaseReleaseArtifact -Path $releaseArtifactLocation
Best Answer
Diogo Posts: 67 Silver 5
My suggestion for the sql proj was based on the cmdlet reference.
Notice that when we pass in a folder we're referring to a SQL Source Control project not a SCA project which I think is what you are using.
I think you should using the path to your SCA project file (a .sqlproj file) on your project variable. Does that make a difference?