Selecting database to search takes a long time

in SQL Search
The dropdown box where I can select a database or databases to search within often takes very long to return results (over 10 minutes), during which time SSMS becomes unresponsive and locks up. My organization has well over 1000 databases. I'm using SQL Search on SSMS 2014 (12.0.4422.0). A number of my coworkers have complained the same thing and have stopped using it. If you do a simple select * from sys.databases, it returns result almost instantaneously and so I don't understand why populating the databases dropdown would take so long. Can you please fix this problem?
In the past, it was already slow but starting about a couple of months ago, it became unbearable slow. Thank you for your attention.
In the past, it was already slow but starting about a couple of months ago, it became unbearable slow. Thank you for your attention.
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Would you be able to share your log with us? I'll reach out to you by email.
Tianjiao Li | Redgate Software
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Yes, please email me and I will reply with my logging. I just captured one and I can tell you that I see the SQLSearch 3 Session started. I was sitting here watching and my SSMS locked up for about 14 minutes. The log file did not record anything during the time it was locked up, nor did it log completion of populating the search database dropdown.
I still have not received your email so I can send you the log file. Please email me so I can send you the log.
So sorry that you didn't receive my email. I've just sent again.
Tianjiao Li | Redgate Software
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