823/824/825 Errors - No Alert? Or is there?

Corruption errors 823, 824 and 825 seem to be very important.  I found no reference to these errors, or suspect_pages in the documentation, and there appears to be no pre-defined SQM Alert.

Is there some custom alert floating around anywhere?

How would Red Gate suggest incorporating such an alert, as distinct from what appears to be the "norm" of setting up SQL Agent alerts.  That looks like 2 tools for what ought to be possible with just one - SQL Monitor.

Thoughts/solutions involving SQM eagerly sought...
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  • Russell DRussell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
    edited July 20, 2018 3:02PM
    So to answer the question briefly, no there isn't anything built in, unless you change the configuration for the SQL Server Error Log Entry Alert, which by default is set to a severity level of 20 or greater. These alerts are all raised with a severity 10, so you'd need to lower it, obviously though that could well generate more noise as there are a lot of alerts with a severity greater or equal to 10.

    @PDinCA would something like this work for you, as a custom metric? It will return 0 for no matches, and 1 for any matches.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#suspect_pages') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #suspect_pages;
    CREATE TABLE #suspect_pages
          LogDate DATETIME ,
          ProcessInfo VARCHAR(1000) ,
          LogMessage TEXT
    INSERT  INTO #suspect_pages
            EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog 0;
    FROM    #suspect_pages
    WHERE LogMessage LIKE '%Error: 823%' OR LogMessage like '%Error: 824%' OR LogMessage like '%Error: 825%'

    I have no doubt a DBA/better SQL writer could write something more effective but it seems to work for me, at least when I've simulated these errors. Eg this is probably better in a table variable but this was thrown together fairly quickly..

    And obviously the user will need to be able to execute xp_readerrorlog.
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  • Russell DRussell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
    edited July 20, 2018 3:26PM
    Its worth bearing in mind that it does do a count - here's the alert working as an example:

    Given the severity of these alerts it may well be an idea to actually just clear the SQL Server Error Log (or at least start a new one) to start fresh. But see my edit below that now limits the error log scrape to the last hour.

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  • Russell DRussell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
    edited July 20, 2018 3:46PM
    Ok this:

    declare @endtime datetime = getdate()
    declare @starttime datetime = dateadd(hh, -1, @endtime)
    declare @suspect_pages table
        LogDate     datetime,
        ProcessInfo varchar(1000),
        LogMessage  text
    insert into @suspect_pages
    exec sys.xp_readerrorlog 0;
    select count(*)
    from @suspect_pages
    where LogMessage like '%Error: 823%'
          or LogMessage like '%Error: 824%'
          or LogMessage like '%Error: 825%'
          and LogDate
          between @starttime and @endtime;
    will limit the query to the last hour, and uses a table variable rather than a temporary table.
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  • PDinCAPDinCA Posts: 642 Silver 1
    Thanks, Russell.  Certainly worth considering.  Brent Ozar's SQL Constant Care was the only mechanism that found the issue in one of our production databases (inconveniently on the 1st day of my vacation, so it was missed for 2 weeks, so we had no "good" backups readily available...).  Recommend his "corrupt" checklist, BTW...  sp_Blitz has some code for the msdb..suspect_pages content that may be adaptable, too.
    Jesus Christ: Lunatic, liar or Lord?
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  • Russell DRussell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
    Cheers I will take a look at that. I believe that this really is something we should have in SQL Monitor as a default so I'll look in to how we can do that.
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  • jackson321jackson321 Posts: 3 New member
    here is a article on SQL Server error 823 & 825 https://www.systoolsgroup.com/updates/fix-sql-server-error-823-825/ please take a look into it.
  • Any news about this? Should I create the custom metric suggested by Russel?
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