Reflector -- incorrect C# code involving "Foo?.Bar()"
Posts: 5 Bronze 1
The .NET 4.7.2 overload System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(Stream, XmlReaderSettings, String) in System.Xml.dll has the following IL:
Reflector renders the C# incorrectly:
Technically, I suppose, if you want to mirror the IL exactly, it should be...
...wherein the new instance is stored in argument slot 1 'settings', but I don't see how this could matter here (since it's not a visible memory location).
.method public hidebysig static class XmlReader Create(class Stream input, class XmlReaderSettings settings, string baseUri) cil managed { .maxstack 8 L_0000: ldarg.1 L_0001: brtrue.s L_000a L_0003: newobj instance void XmlReaderSettings::.ctor() L_0008: starg.s settings L_000a: ldarg.1 L_000b: ldarg.0 L_000c: ldnull L_000d: ldarg.2 L_000e: ldnull L_000f: callvirt instance class XmlReader XmlReaderSettings::CreateReader(class Stream, class Uri, string, class XmlParserContext) L_0014: ret } |
public static XmlReader Create(Stream input, XmlReaderSettings settings, string baseUri) => settings?.CreateReader(input, null, baseUri, null); It is not correct because the above C# code will do nothing if 'null' is passed for 'settings', whereas the IL constructs a new instance upon which to invoke the 'CreateReader' function. A correct C# version would be: public static XmlReader Create(Stream input, XmlReaderSettings settings, string baseUri) => (settings ?? new XmlReaderSettings()).CreateReader(input, null, baseUri, null); |
public static XmlReader Create(Stream input, XmlReaderSettings settings, string baseUri) => (settings ?? (settings = new XmlReaderSettings())).CreateReader(input, null, baseUri, null); |
We don't have the ETA yet, but this will be fixed within the next release. I'll post here once that's available.
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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Just wanted to clarify that there was a release that we quickly put out earlier this week to resolve a security risk we learned of. The fix for this .NET 4.7.2 issue didn't make it into there, but it will still be in the next one.
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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