Could Tab History be stored on a (OneDrive) cloud drive?

My BI team often uses multiple computers to write their sql depending on work requirements.  Is there a way to have Tab History stored on OneDrive so they could get access to prior code on any of their computers?


  • adam_hafneradam_hafner Posts: 91 Silver 2
    edited June 13, 2018 2:54PM
    @smcpike,The Tab History is stored in %localappdata%\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 9\SavedTabs.db.  You could definitely back this file to a OneDrive location, but I don't believe there is a way to permanently store it on OneDrive.  Maybe you could change where Windows stored the %localappdata% directory to point to your OneDrive, but I haven't tested that.  If you do that, every app that stores data in %localappdata% would store it in that location though.  It may or may not work, but thought it was worth suggesting.
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