Packager excludes Non-Indexed tables.

Daniel HandleyDaniel Handley Posts: 214
edited March 8, 2005 9:02AM in SQL Packager Previous Versions
Hi Riad

Thanks for the question. Your problem is related to not having any indexes defined in your tables. The condition you refer to shows that there are SQL statistics but no indexes.

When you are comparing the data between two tables in separate databases, a unique index is needed to ensure that the rows are matched correctly. Without the unique index there is now way to ensure that the data you are comparing is related.

I'm sorry that you find the help file a little ambiguous. Packager is a combination of SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare, so another source of information is to look in the same help file but with regards to the individual items. If there is still any outstanding questions please post them to the forum, or email them to support(at)

To solve your problem you will have to create two packages.
The first package will have to be a schema change to create indexes. I would recommend altering your id columns to primary keys which will automatically add an index.
The second package can then contain the data you wish to put into the new schema.

I hope this explains your problem and helps find a solution.
Daniel Handley
Red Gate Software Ltd
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