Error when deleting a clone after upgrade to the latest version

We have just upgraded our SQL clone to the latest version and after that we were not able to remove some clones and we got the following error message :
Message: "Could not detach virtual disk ,ClassName: "RedGate.SqlClone.Core.Vhd

and to be able to resolve the problem, we tried to restart the associated agents, and after that we were able to delete the mentioned clones, 
so could you please let us know if there is a reason that SQL clone reacts like this after upgrade ?


  • DaveRookDaveRook Posts: 4 Bronze 1
    edited April 18, 2018 9:33AM
    Hi Amirhadi 

    I don't see any reason why the upgrade would have caused this

    Can I please ask if the error message you provdied was the complete error message, or just part of it?

    It may be worth sending a support ticket as they can investigate this as well. 


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