Can snippets be stored to a on premise SharePoint document library?
Can snippets be stored to a on premise SharePoint document library?
Best Answer
Marzipan Posts: 2 New member
So assuming Windows 10 and SharePoint 2013; the answer is to create a folder in the SharePoint document library where you want to store the snippet's, mine is called "SSMS Snippets", go to the LIBRARY tab, under the "Connect & Export" section, select "open in Explorer" then copy the address to the SQL Prompt Snippet Manager, Snippet folder. Example, is "\\[SharePoint url]\DavWWWRoot\teamsites\ART\SQL Snippets\SSMS snippets"
Thanks for your post.
Snippets are stored within SQL Prompt itself as a part of SSMS and so this isn't possible or needed.
You can always check the documentation pages and can search for specific terms in there if you need to find any further information.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards
Richard Lynch.
Redgate Software
In regards to *needed* - I agree it's not needed, however, it's a good feature that allows everyone in a team to connect to the same snippets/settings thus ensuring everyone is working the same way (if that's the way someones company works).