
The type initializer for 'RedGate.SQLCompare.ASTParser.StructureParser' threw an exception.

I'm getting an error when I run the command line version of SQLCompare. The log looks like this:

SQL Compare Command Line V12.4.12.5042
Copyright c 1999 - 2017 Redgate Software Ltd

Argument /server1 has value 'USMLVV1SRF0077'
Argument /database1 has value 'SmsTHTndSfdaCit99900TndNxtSqlVersZdtSchemaCompNetNewZdt0'
Argument /username1 has value 'sa'
Argument /password1 has value 'PasswordGoesHere'
Argument /server2 has value 'USMLVV1SRF0077'
Argument /database2 has value 'SmsTHTndSfdaCit99900TndNxtSqlVersZdtSchemaCompNetNewZdt1'
Argument /username2 has value 'sa'
Argument /password2 has value 'PasswordGoesHere'
Argument /verbose has value 'True'
Argument /assertidentical has value 'True'
Argument /options has value 'DecryptPost2kEncryptedObjects'

Found client endpoint at net.tcp://
Redgate Client capability version: 2
SQL Compare: activated, edition professional, serial number: 0
SQL Compare running with option: DecryptPost2kEncryptedObjects (OK).
Comparing database USMLVV1SRF0077.SmsTHTndSfdaCit99900TndNxtSqlVersZdtSchemaCompNetNewZdt0 with database USMLVV1SRF0077.
Registering data sources
Error: Comparison of
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (Error: Comparison of:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
    + PSComputerName        : USMLVV1CIT645

'USMLVV1SRF0077.SmsTHTndSfdaCit99900TndNxtSqlVersZdtSchemaCompNetNewZdt0' and
failed: The type initializer for 'RedGate.SQLCompare.ASTParser.StructureParser'
threw an exception.

I'm using Powershell to make a remote call to the server where SQLCompare is installed. Does anyone have any insight on how to troubleshoot this error?

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