Go To Decompiled Definition Dose Not Work?

ClueeZhuoClueeZhuo Posts: 1 New member
Through Right Clieck "Go To Decompiled Definition" Menu:

Version VSPro dose not work in Visual Studio Enteripise 2017 (Version 15.6.1)

Who can Help me ???


  • RichardLRichardL Posts: 417 Gold 4
    Hi @ClueeZhuo

    Thanks for your post.

    Could you elaborate on your issue? Why/what specifically isn't it working?
    I believe VS 15.6.1 was released just today.

    I look forward to your reply.
    Customer Support
    Redgate Software
  • I have the same problem. 
    VS 2017 15.8.2
    Installed .Net Reflector Extension
    Clicking on "Go To Decompiled Definition" has no effect. Just nothing happened. Absolutely.
    I tried to select part of code. I clicked on method names or class names...
    It does nothing! No error messages, no warnings, no effect at all.
    What I'm doing wrong?
  • rjdunnillrjdunnill Posts: 5 Bronze 1
    I have the same problem. Using Visual Studio 2019 Professional and Reflector
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