Stunning, simply stunning...
Really don't want to have to resort to the "Wait a week for bugs to be reported before applying any SQM patches", but this is the straw that broke...
Neither from the entire list of Alerts, nor from a list for an instance, does "Older" do anything - greyed-out.
Really don't want to have to resort to the "Wait a week for bugs to be reported before applying any SQM patches", but this is the straw that broke...
Neither from the entire list of Alerts, nor from a list for an instance, does "Older" do anything - greyed-out.
Jesus Christ: Lunatic, liar or Lord?
Decide wisely...
Decide wisely...
Whose idea was it to TURN ON GROUPS? That breaks "Older"!
It is, and forever will stay that way, OFF!
Good grief, chaps
Decide wisely...
Can you add an image for what you are seeing and/or elaborate on specifically where you are seeing this?
In my 7.1.18 all of the links work (Newest, Newer, Older, Oldest for navigating pages of alerts, as well as the Newer and Older navigating from one alert to the next). The links are working at all levels of the hierarchy, for both the grouped and traditional alerts pages, as well as within the grouped alerts.
The only time the Older is greyed out is when I have e.g. the page size set to 100 and there are not more than 100 alerts on the screen.
Kind regards,
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When I select the LAST ONE, Older_2.png shows "Newer" is greyed-out.
According to your post, it ought not be...
Older_3.png is the first in a list of 24 total alerts in 23 groups. It is a singleton. It is incapable of being navigated away from using the "Older" link - greyed-out. The next in the list is also a singleton. There is but ONE Alert that is a set of two grouped items.
IMO, page size when viewing a detail record is utterly irrelevant, particularly when that record is a singleton...
Please fix this for everyone else - I have turned off the unwanted, unwarned, undesirable, group "feature", so I don't need a fix.
Decide wisely...
Ah, righto, I am seeing what you are now - it's only happening with the single alerts within the grouped alerts box; when I was looking at this, the ones I clicked on all had several alerts in the group. So in your Older_1.png image, if you click on the first group of (3) alerts and click into one of those you should have the "Older" and "Newer" buttons working according to which of the alerts you are on (first has "Older", last has "Newer" and middle has both).
From your description, it sounds like when having the alerts grouped, you would want the last of one group to navigate to the first of the next group when using the "Older" correct (makes sense to me too)?
Kind regards,
Have you visited our Help Center?
Thanks for picking this one up.
Decide wisely...
Currently the newer older links only navigate within the group you clicked on in the inbox. We agree that the current behaviour isn't as good as it could be and it's something we're reviewing.
We're sorry you don't find the grouping useful: alert grouping is one of the most requested features in SQL Monitor and has received very positive feedback during it's preview period. We do also recognise that users need to be able to see the sequence in which events occurred in order to diagnose recurring issues, so we also included the "Group Alerts" toggle option which is persisted between sessions.
As you've mentioned, if you preferred the old behaviour, you can disable the grouping by using the "Group Alerts" radio button and you will be able to use Newer/Older navigation between all alerts.
Hi @PDinCA,
Unfortunately the team have decided that this is something we are not going to implement - at least not in the short term.
The information from Maya's last post stands and I believe you have stuck with the non-grouped inbox behavior and so should continue to do so.
Kind regards,
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