TFS/VSTS Deployment Scenario
What are the options for deploying as a AD User?
I wouldn't want my general release agent user to have access to all databases, and the DBAs don't want to run in mixed authentication. Is there a means of doing impersonation or changing the run as user during the deployment steps for the scripts?
I wouldn't want my general release agent user to have access to all databases, and the DBAs don't want to run in mixed authentication. Is there a means of doing impersonation or changing the run as user during the deployment steps for the scripts?
DevOps Mentor and Coach
Director of DLM Consultants
Creator of Speaking Mentors
Microsoft Data Platform MVP
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If you want to use WinAuth you'll need to have the agent run as a particular user.
DevOps Mentor and Coach
Director of DLM Consultants
Creator of Speaking Mentors
Microsoft Data Platform MVP
Friend of Redgate
Twitter / LinkedIn
Looks like we need to figure out how to wrap the call to execute as another user, I was hoping for something more supported.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'None')]
$global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\ps_modules\TaskHelpers"
[string]$packagePath = Get-VstsInput -Name PackagePath
[string]$releaseVersion = Get-VstsInput -Name ReleaseVersion
[string]$databaseServer = Get-VstsInput -Name DatabaseServer
[string]$databaseName = Get-VstsInput -Name DatabaseName
[bool]$useWindowsAuth = Get-VstsInput -Name UseWindowsAuth -AsBool
[string]$databaseUserName = Get-VstsInput -Name DatabaseUserName
[string]$databasePassword = Get-VstsInput -Name DatabasePassword
[string]$azureTargetServer = Get-VstsInput -Name AzureTargetServer
[string]$azureTargetDatabase = Get-VstsInput -Name AzureTargetDatabase
[string]$targetTypeOption = Get-VstsInput -Name TargetTypeOption
[bool]$useWindowsAuthImpersonation = Get-VstsInput -Name UseWindowsAuthImpersonation -AsBool
function GetVariableSetterFromVariable($name){
$variable = Get-Variable -Name $name
if($variable -ne $null){
return GetVariableSetter -name $variable.Name -value $variable.Value
return ""
function GetVariableSetter($name, $value){
switch ($value.GetType().Name){
return "Set-Variable -Name $name -Value `"$($value.Replace('"','``"'))`";`n"
return "Set-Variable -Name $name -Value `$$value;`n"
Write-VstsTaskVerbose -Message 'Building package deployment script environment'
if (-not $packagePath.EndsWith('.ps1')) {
$msg = 'Unable to deploy. Ensure package to deploy is a ''.ps1'' file.'
Exit-WithError $msg
$variables =
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name packagePath) +
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name releaseVersion) +
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name databaseServer) +
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name databaseName) +
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name useWindowsAuth) +
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name databaseUserName) +
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name databasePassword) +
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name azureTargetServer) +
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name azureTargetDatabase) +
(GetVariableSetterFromVariable -name targetTypeOption)
Get-ChildItem Env: | ForEach-Object {
$variables += GetVariableSetter -name $_.Name -value $_.Value
Write-VstsTaskVerbose -Message 'Writing package deployment script environment'
$script = Join-Path $env:SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY "impersonationscript.ps1"
$variables +
"& $packagePath"
$command = (join-path ((Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName) "psexec.exe") +
" -accepteula -d -h " +
"-u `"$databaseUserName`" " +
"-p `"$databasePassword`" " +
"powershell " +
Write-VstsTaskVerbose -Message 'Executing the package deployment script'
Invoke-Expression $command
& (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "DeployReadyRollDatabase.ps1")