Serious Bug Comparing TFS Scripts Folder to SQL 2016 for Temporal Tables

in SQL Compare
I'm trying to compare the scripts folder for a database project from VS 2015 Community Edition to an existing SQL Server 2016 database. I'm currently using SQL Compare version Professional, but have successfully performed this comparison in the past using previous versions of 13.X successfully.
The following example is from one of the simplest tables.
Notice that the history table schema is dbo. SQL Compare has now decided that it should be lkp like it's parent table. The deployment script bears this out:
The following example is from one of the simplest tables.
CREATE TABLE [lkp].[AccountType] ( [AccountTypeID] TINYINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [AccountType] CHAR (2) NOT NULL, [Description] VARCHAR (255) NULL, [CreatedBy] VARCHAR (255) DEFAULT (suser_sname()) NOT NULL, [CreatedDateTime] DATETIME2 (0) DEFAULT (getdate()) NOT NULL, [ModifiedBy] VARCHAR (255) DEFAULT (suser_sname()) NOT NULL, [ModifiedDateTime] DATETIME2 (0) DEFAULT (getdate()) NOT NULL, [SysStartDateTime] DATETIME2 (0) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START HIDDEN CONSTRAINT [DF_AccountType_SysStart] DEFAULT (getdate()) NOT NULL, [SysEndDateTime] DATETIME2 (0) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END HIDDEN CONSTRAINT [DF_AccountType_SysEnd] DEFAULT (CONVERT([datetime2](0),'9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999')) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_AccountType] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([AccountType] ASC), CONSTRAINT [CK_AccountType_AccountType] UNIQUE CLUSTERED ([AccountTypeID] ASC), PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME ([SysStartDateTime], [SysEndDateTime]) ) WITH (SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON (HISTORY_TABLE=[dbo].[AccountTypeHistory], DATA_CONSISTENCY_CHECK=ON));
Notice that the history table schema is dbo. SQL Compare has now decided that it should be lkp like it's parent table. The deployment script bears this out:
ALTER SCHEMA [lkp] TRANSFER [dbo].[AccountTypeHistory] GO
Thanks for reporting this! We are aware of this bug and have a fix in the pipeline which should be included in the frequent updates release next week. If this doesn't solve your problems please let us know!
Sorry for any inconvenience.
The fix for this was released in January so if you update to the most recent SQL Compare version this should be fixed.
If you're still having issues, please let us know!
Apologies, it seems the bug fix hasn't made it to the main release yet. If you go to "Help" > "Configure frequent updates" and check the box, then go to "Help" > "Check for updates" you should be able to download version 13.2 of SQL Compare which should contain this fix.
Alternatively, the fix should be included in the next main release which will be released early next week.
Please let us know if any problems persist!
This looks like a question that one of Support engineers will need to investigate for you.
If you've a got support contract, please send us a ticket. Provide as much information as you can - screenshots of any errors, log files etc – so we can help you as fast as possible.
If you're not covered by a Support contract at the moment, email our Sales team at, and they'll be able to help.
Redgate Software