Why when Cancelling a job, on a step set to send success on failure, does it log notifications?

TamusJRoyceTamusJRoyce Posts: 4 New member
edited January 23, 2018 12:19PM in Redgate Monitor
I have a job as step 1 that cancels itself if a certain condition exists where I don't want the job to run.
           FROM sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states AS ars
               INNER JOIN sys.availability_groups AS ag
                   ON ars.group_id = ag.group_id
           WHERE ars.is_local = 1 AND ars.role_desc = 'PRIMARY')
               FROM sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states AS ars
                   INNER JOIN sys.availability_groups AS ag
                       ON ars.group_id = ag.group_id
               WHERE ars.is_local = 1)
	DECLARE @CurrentJobId AS uniqueidentifier = CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, $(ESCAPE_NONE(JOBID)))
	EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_stop_job @job_id = @CurrentJobId

	WHILE(1 = 1)
		WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'
		DECLARE @NoOp AS int = 1

So in this case, if the job tries to run on a secondary availability group server, the job will be cancelled. I have a similar query that allows jobs to run only if it is a secondary availability group server. And I use an SSIS package to sync server-level information, including jobs, between availability groups.

This job is set to succeed on failure. But SQL Monitor still gives us notifications on failed or cancelled jobs. It is most-likely a fundamental issue with how SQL Server logs cancelled jobs. But could there be an option to filtered these out? It is super-easy to detect if the job is set to succeed on failure.
SELECT rnq.*
FROM #RedgateNotificationQuery AS rnq
       INNER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobsteps] AS sjs
              ON sjs.job_id = rnq.job_id
WHERE shs.on_fail_action <> 1 -- 1 = Send success on failure. So filter these.

I also thought someone might find some interest around syncing server-level info between availability groups, including jobs and SSIS packages. And preventing jobs from running on the secondary, or only running on the secondary, if a condition is found. Possibly based on job name or other metadata.

sources! I want to give credit where due. http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/yaniv_etrogi/2016/12/11/alwayson-availability-groups-and-sql-server-jobs/. All credit goes to Yaniv Etrogi (11/12/2016).

Best Answer


  • TamusJRoyceTamusJRoyce Posts: 4 New member
    edited January 23, 2018 12:24PM
    This is causing as many as 40 emails a day. And 80 or more logged events. That is quite a bit of clutter. And the unnecessary communication causes actual errors to occasionally be lost or ignored.
  • TamusJRoyceTamusJRoyce Posts: 4 New member
    edited January 23, 2018 6:37PM
    Or if this is an issue coming from sql server, and filtering will not be possible in Redgate Monitor, could someone elude to what RedGate Monitoring is queuing off of that generates notifications? So I can submit a issue request to Microsoft?
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