Error in subsequent formatting

In My Query I've a left join.
After the first time of formatting my query it formats the query like below.
After formatting my query again SQLPrompt removes the . Between R and source Value as seen below.
Error laying out sql
This is the first I notice it.
Can this be investigated?
After the first time of formatting my query it formats the query like below.
LEFT JOIN VRT.Rechtsvorm AS R ON R.sourceValue = B.LEGAL_ENTY OR ( R. sourceValue IS NULL AND B.LEGAL_ENTY IS NULL )NOTICE: The empty space between R. and sourceValue
After formatting my query again SQLPrompt removes the . Between R and source Value as seen below.
LEFT JOIN VRT.Rechtsvorm AS R ON R.sourceValue = B.LEGAL_ENTY OR ( R sourceValue IS NULL AND B.LEGAL_ENTY IS NULL )At this time I also get an error:
Error laying out sql
This is the first I notice it.
Can this be investigated?
I've just updated to version but the error still exists.
What version of SSMS are you running? Are there any other settings, language, etc., that might be different between your system and mine that could help me replicate the problem?
He is still on version
I'm using SSMS SQL Server 2014 see attached image.
I'll compare my settings with his to fin out if I can find the problem...
The first time during the format it looks like a tab is inserted between the alias and the column . Surprisingly SQL does not balk at this and the code still works.
The second time the source is formatted, the period "." after the alias is removed. The code no longer works after this.
Some added information:
Seems like this only happens if the alias is a single character, changing the alias to multiple characters as a work around prevents this from happening.
Turning off "Qualify Object Names" prevents this problem as well.
Hopefully this information assists in resolving this problem.
I am running SQL Prompt 9.07.3692
SSMS Version
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 12.0.2569.0
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 12.0.2569.0
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 10.0.16299.15
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 4.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.11.16299.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.42000
Operating System 6.3.16299
When "Qualify Object Names" is turned off, the period is not removed, but the tab is still inserted after the period following the table alias and column name.
I'm afraid we still couldn't reproduce the issue given the information you have supplied.
Can you please format it using the default format style? Does the issue still occur?
So sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Tianjiao Li | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
With the default format style I don't have the issue.
So it seems to be in one of the settings in our company style.
I'll attach our company style.
With these settings I have the problem.
Thanks for the style file.
However I still couldn't reproduce the issue with it. Can you please upgrade to the latest version ( - January 31st 2018) and test again?
If problem persists, can you copy the style file from your co-worker or recreate a new one and try again?
Tianjiao Li | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?