unable to get comparison report as old version

in SQL Compare
I am facing a problem to identify differences in latest report can i get older report as in previous version.Please suggest me on this
There is a (rather complicated) workaround which involves exporting an XML report and manually running the old XSL transform to generate the old-style HTML report. Another option would be to downgrade to the old version of SQL Compare. However, it would be better for everyone involved if we can make the new report easier to read.
Redgate Software
The new report the code is stacked with +/- signs to show what is changing in the code. That is much harder to wrap your head around to see what the code looks like. The old report was showed side by side code with the changes hi-lighted and an immediate visual identification of the changes. If the new report is better why then does the GUI still display in the old format, why not change that as well? My, answer is because it is quicker to analyze the changes when displayed side by side and so should be the HTML report.
I need to run this report for analysts and the old report was much easier for them to understand the code changes.
Sorry that you're not keen on the new report style. We've heard this feedback from some other users as well so we've reinstated the old interactive html report as the Classic HTML report in version, which we have just released on the frequent updates channel.
I hope this helps.
Redgate Software