Extended Properties excluded from search?

Hi there,

My organization has used extended properties to document SQL Server objects for some time now.

Recently I tried to search for an extended property value using SQL Search v3.0.7.1683.

I was unable to return those in a search result.

Is this one of the "Other" object types in the tool?




  • I can confirm that I cannot search extended properties in SQL Search (looks like I need to bump that version a little) running on Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (SP2-CU8). Not sure if it's intended to work or not, but it's not working for at least two of us.
  • sjlyallsjlyall Posts: 3 New member
    Thank you Chris for your feedback as a Friend of RedGate.

    Further to the question I posted. I know SQL Search is free, but it is used along side the paid product (SQL Toolbelt) as an added productivity aide.

    Some of our analysts use SQL Search to look for object references in code. As the dba in charge of deployments (using SQL Compare) I'd hoped to also give them the ability to look for keywords in the extended properties of deployed objects. In our case a link to the Jira (our issue/work request system) and a url to the documentation system.
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