MI003 Unqualified column name
in SQL Prompt
If I have a statement that contains a column with a geography point used in a calculation, I get a false MI003 warning.
This should be able to reproduce it:
SELECT (geography::Point(a.latitude, a.longitude, 4326).STDistance(b.geo) / 1609.34) AS miles
FROM (VALUES(43.7136263, -82.0375272)) AS a(latitude,longitude)
CROSS JOIN (SELECT geography::Point(42.7136263, -83.0375272, 4326) AS geo) AS b
ORDER BY miles;
This should be able to reproduce it:
SELECT (geography::Point(a.latitude, a.longitude, 4326).STDistance(b.geo) / 1609.34) AS miles
FROM (VALUES(43.7136263, -82.0375272)) AS a(latitude,longitude)
CROSS JOIN (SELECT geography::Point(42.7136263, -83.0375272, 4326) AS geo) AS b
ORDER BY miles;
Best Answer
Tianjiao_Li Posts: 684 Rose Gold 5
Hi @JoshRoss
Thanks for your patience with this issue.
I'm pleased to let you know this bug has been fixed in the latest version ( - January 17th 2018).
Can you please upgrade and test again?
Thank you for reporting this issue.
I have created a ticket for it (ref: 6751).