Word wrap

I set Wrap Lines Longer Than to 78
The following code is formatted in this way:
I expected a format something like this (depending on the other settings)
I guess the Word Wrap option will not recognize other formatting rules anymore.
Thanks for looking into this!
I set Wrap Lines Longer Than to 78
The following code is formatted in this way:
IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.backup_devices WHERE -- WHERE should send to the next line name = N'TransactionLog_Backup' -- name not aligned ) -- bracket not aligned EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'TransactionLog_Backup', '$(BackupPath)\TransactionLog.bak'; GO
I expected a format something like this (depending on the other settings)
IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.backup_devices WHERE name = N'TransactionLog_Backup' ) -- bracket in the end of this line of next line ) EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'TransactionLog_Backup', '$(BackupPath)\TransactionLog.bak'; GO
I guess the Word Wrap option will not recognize other formatting rules anymore.
Thanks for looking into this!