Non-named parameter style for sp_executesql

in SQL Prompt
I've got a perfectly valid sp_executesql statement to run my dynamic queries, however SQL Prompt marks it as an issue. There's no way to add parameter names to it.
Code sample:
Should I simply ignore it or Red Gate would be able to fix it?
Code sample:
EXECUTE sys.sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM dbo.Country WHERE CountryName = @p0;' , N'@p0 VARCHAR(100)' , @p0 = 'USA';
Should I simply ignore it or Red Gate would be able to fix it?
Best Answer
AlessandroAlpi Posts: 91 Gold 2
Yes, got it.
However, you can call sp_executesql with param names:EXECUTE sys.sp_executesql @stmt = N'SELECT * FROM dbo.Countries WHERE CountryName = @p0;' , @params = N'@p0 VARCHAR(100)' , @p0 = 'USA';
at least, starting from 2008:
Alessandro Alpi
CTO @ Engage IT Services s.r.l.
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I guess you're speaking about SQL Prompt 9 Rules. You can uncheck the following rule in order to avoid the "issue". It's up to you to manage what rules you'd like to consider. It's not a bug "to be fixed" IMHO.
CTO @ Engage IT Services s.r.l.
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I know I can ignore this rule just by excluding it. However that's not what I'd like to have.
User stored procedures can and should be executed in named parameter style. That makes code more readable and easier to understand.
However some built in (system) stored procedures can only be executed ONLY IN non-named parameter style (as far as I know). One of them is sys.sp_executesql.
So it kinda makes sense not to label these kind of procedures as code analysis violations because there's no way to execute it in named parameter style.
Also, this is not a deal breaker, but something rather nice to have.
Hope I'm clearer this time.
You are correct. Thanks a lot!
Maybe a few more up-votes might kick-start it...
Decide wisely...
It is still possible to inline execute statement in your script. You can do it from the context menu (right mouse click "Inline EXEC") and the shortcut [CTRL+B, CTRL+I] is still available.
Do you have some issues with this shortcut?
Best regards,
@Krzysztof - Yes, v9.0.2.3223 in use. Opened new Query Window. Typed sp_executesql. Tried CTRL+B, CTRL+I and nothing. Highlighted, repeat keys - nothing. Added EXEC, repeat keys - nothing. Right-click context menu features "Inline EXEC" but SQL Prompt Errors on using it- see attached image.
Made it executable:
No dice, not even an error this time. Maybe I'm just using the feature wrongly, as it isn't in a procedure...? (There's no shortcut key-combo on the right-click menu, BTW)
Decide wisely...
so your script should look like that: Now you shouldn't have the error. I agree that the error dialogue is not verbose and doesn't say what's wrong. We will work on that in near future.
If you would like to use some params in that sp you can do it like AlessandroAlpi mentioned above:
Hope that helps
Well aware of the other options re scripting - have only been using the sp for 13 years!
A snippet will do in lieu of preferred behavior and fiddling around to try and get the Ctrl+ keys or right-click-blows-up.
Signing off this thread. Cheers.
Decide wisely...