Certain tables will not allow me to add new columns to key
We have a pretty big project saved, but it does require some adjustment now and then. Recently, I've discovered that any new columns I add to the comparison key are removed from the key as soon as I refresh the Tables or run the compare. Furthermore, if a current column in the key is removed, it cannot be added back in. I can add and remove columns to be compared just fine, but not to the comparison key.
Other tables within this project allow me to add columns and works. If I start a new project from scratch, I can add these columns to the Key and it works as expected, I just don't want to rebuild the entire rest of the project. What can I do to fix this?
Other tables within this project allow me to add columns and works. If I start a new project from scratch, I can add these columns to the Key and it works as expected, I just don't want to rebuild the entire rest of the project. What can I do to fix this?
Redgate Software
The project file is contains XML - if you open it in a text editor you might be able to figure out which tag is for the table you are having problems with, and copy the value from your non-broken project. However, it will be tricky for us to walk you through this if you if you can't send us your schema.
Redgate Software