Brackets when scripting stored procedures

in SQL Prompt
Is there any way to disable adding brackets around the database, schema, and stored procedure name when scripting a stored procedure? SQL Prompt is adding it in, even though the stored procedure itself doesn't have them, as showed in sys.sql_modules.
Scripting an SP:


Scripting an SP:


If I then reformat with SQL Prompt (CTRL+K, y), I get this:
I have my formatting set to not use extra brackets
Is there any way to have SQL Prompt automatically remove brackets in the database/schema/object name when scripting objects? I know I can use shortcuts like "ctrl+BB", but if it could do it automatically it'd make me very, very happy.
There isn't a way to do this at the moment, I'm sorry to say, but can you please post a request for this to our UserVoice forum:
Thank you!
Is there a reason reformatting doesn't work?
I generally like ctrl+ky, but I like some SPs just the way they are, so I'd like to keep the code formatting the way it is by default.