Format SQL not working

DanielGDanielG Posts: 4 Bronze 1
edited October 10, 2017 9:33AM in SQL Prompt
When I try to use Format SQL via SQL Prompt in SQL Server Management Studio i get the following error message: "SQL prompt encountered problems while processing this script".

What is the cause of this and how do I do to resolve this?

Best Answer


  • DanielGDanielG Posts: 4 Bronze 1
    The version of SQL Prompt is

    The error meaasge from the SQL Prompt log shows the following:

    10 Oct 2017 09:05:32,605 [1] WARN RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.RefactoringErrorReporter - Refactoring failed
    System.Exception: Undefined: [ABORT]
    at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Parser.GrammarProcessor.BNFParser.Parse(SqlGrammar outputgrammar)
    at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Parser.SqlGrammar..ctor(ServerVersion serverVersion)
    at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Parser.SqlGrammar.GetGrammar(ServerVersion serverVersion)
    at RedGate.SqlPrompt.ScriptDomInterop.InsertSemicolonsScriptRefactoring.FindSemiColonsForMergeStatements(String script)
    at RedGate.SqlPrompt.ScriptDomInterop.InsertSemicolonsScriptRefactoring.PerformRefactoring(String script, ServerVersion version, ITextReplacer textWriter)
    at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Refactor.ScriptRefactoringAdapter.ApplyRefactoring(IRefactoringDelegate refactorDelegate)
    at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Refactor.RefactorEngine.DoRefactoring(IScriptProvider script, Selection selection, CaretPosition caretPosition, IRefactoringSource refactoringSource, Errors& errors)
  • DanielGDanielG Posts: 4 Bronze 1
    Hi @krzysztofkroczak ,

    It works perfectly after installing version (, thanks! =)

    Best regards,
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