Register is throwing an exception.

This is the first time i'm using an encrypted database. I followed other's suggestion to include RedGate.BackupReader.dll into the deployment.

Options o = Options.None;
o = o.Plus(Options.CaseSensitiveObjectDefinition);
o = o.Plus(Options.DecryptPost2kEncryptedObjects);
o = o.Plus(Options.Default);
targetDB.Register(targetConnectionProperties, o);

Stack Trace

at System.Collections.BitArray.Set(Int32 index, Boolean value)
at RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.DatabaseLevelPermissions.set_Item(DatabaseLevelPermissionAction permission, PermissionType value)
at #8rg.#Ssg.#dmh()
at #8rg.#Ssg.#amh()
at #8rg.#Ssg.#vl(DBPopulationOptions #WXrc)
at #8rg.#AHud.Register(ConnectionProperties #Ap8b, Options #5OPb)


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