Where is my '$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\packages' folder?
I've created a new project and set up the solution the same way as I've done previous [at least I believe, I have] but there's no packages folder visible and so my build fails. I've definitely updated the sqlproj file to use the suggested ReadyRollTargetsPath.
I'm using VS2017, TFS, and ReadyRoll Core and have created two projects previously with minor/no issues. The Windows app list shows v1.13.22.3147 and I've tried to download the latest ReadyRoll, which I believe is v14 but the installer tells me I've already got the latest.
Have I missed something in the setup?
I'm using VS2017, TFS, and ReadyRoll Core and have created two projects previously with minor/no issues. The Windows app list shows v1.13.22.3147 and I've tried to download the latest ReadyRoll, which I believe is v14 but the installer tells me I've already got the latest.
Have I missed something in the setup?
Best Answer
MikielAgutu Posts: 29 Silver 1
The packages folder is normally created when you do a NuGet restore during the build on TFS. Have you configured a build step to do a NuGet restore? The entire instructions are here: https://goo.gl/gQmQ7n
However given your post, I think that it's mostly likely that the lack of a NuGet restore is the thing breaking your current setup.Mikiel Agutu | Software Engineer | Redgate Software
It's new so I'm going to delete the project and just run through the setup again.