
SQL Prompt Error is Visual Studio

Occasionally, I am getting a pop-up dialog containing the following error:

SQLPrompt has encountered a problem.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Error details:
The component
'RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Forms.ActionsList.Views.ActionsListCtrlHintPopup' does not have a resource identified by the URI '/RedGate.SQLPromot.CommonUI.component/forms/actionslist/views/actionslistctrlhintpopup.xaml'.[/i][/i]

The dialog contains an "OK" button and when I click it, the dialog box continues to pop-up and I cannot do anything else is Visual Studio. Any help would be appreciated.


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    Hi Michael,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. We discovered this bug and we are focused on this problem this week. Hopefully, we will fix it next week.

    Here is a workaround (order matters) to run Prompt Pro:
    1) Uninstall pro version from "Programs and Features"
    2) Uninstall core version from VS Tools->Extensions and updates
    3) Install Prompt Pro

    Hope this helps

    Best regards
    Krzysztof Kroczak
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