Hanging on Backup File

I’m trying to compare my database to a fresh backup. The database and the backup selection process goes fine. When I do the compare the backup goes to 1% and hangs. Any ideas?

Note: This is a first time install of Data Compare
Windows Server 2008r2
SQL Server 2008r2




  • Hi @CrossSlide,
    reading the documentation , there is some notes to pay attention for. I don't think that trying to do the "known issues" things actually hangs the restore process, but maybe the list could help you in some way.
    Another suggestion, since we're on Windows, could be to execute the comparison tool "as Administrator".
    Last but not least, you can try to setup a log file, as described here, and look for any message on it.

    Hope this will help you discovering the issue.
    Alessandro Alpi
    CTO @ Engage IT Services s.r.l.
    Database Administrator and Team Leader
    Microsoft MVP - Data Platform
    Staff member of getlatestversion.it community
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