An entry with the same key already exists

Thanks for asking. If you set the 'Treat items as case-sensitive' option, then refresh the comparison, it should eliminate the problem.
Thanks for asking. If you set the 'Treat items as case-sensitive' option, then refresh the comparison, it should eliminate the problem.
This discussion has been closed.
I'm trying to create a snaphsot of my production server (SQL Server 7) and I get this message. I tried numerous combinations of options. Then I noticed that there was an upgrade available which I have installed but I still get the same error regardless of the case sensitive option.
Unfortunately this will be an urgent issue for me soon (i.e. before the end of next week!!)
Any suggestions would be gratefully received
I'll have a look at the way the software stored the objects when the case-sensitive option is on and see if I can find a problem.
Thanks for your patience.
The dba concerned has been suitably chastised