Adding data generation in test step

Hello, when creating Data Generator project we should specify target database. But how does such file work with SQL Build Tfs add-on, when I don't want to specify database name there (instructing Sql Build to create some temp db with some temp name)?
Best Answers
Michelle T Posts: 566 Gold 1
Hi there,
You should be able to create a SQL Data Generator project against any database which has the same structure as the database under test. Save the project and then specify it by file name in the VSTS interface.
DLMA will use the project file settings, substituting in the database name when it names the temporary database.Software Developer
Redgate Software -
Giorgi Posts: 18 Bronze 3
Hi Michelle,
Thank you for your response, that's clear for me now, Unfortunately I am unable to test the behavior now, because I'm experiencing some problems with Data Generation with DLM. As far as they are solved I will test the behavior
Assuming you don't change the schema or randomly create the schema
You could create a SQL Data Generator project against the schema
Store that project file somewhere.
Then after you have created the temp database
Modify the project file (it's only XML) with the temporary database name that you created and then use the command line of data generator to fill the database?
Hope that helps
David Connell
Under "SQL Build Tfs add-on" I've meant DLM Automation VSTS Build and Release extensions
Thank you
arrr cool thank you for your response. I'll get back later
Thank you