SQL Response - Long Running query

fatherjack2fatherjack2 Posts: 311
edited April 12, 2010 6:53AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions

When I view the details of a long running query I am regularly seeing the SQL query fragment contain a CREATE statement - mainly CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION - is this a quirk of the software (I have SQL Prompt installed too so it could get object create scripts from there??) or is the TSQL being executed actually creating these objects?


Senior DBA
Careers South West Ltd


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hi Jonathan,

    The SQL fragments shown by SQL Response are the same kind of thing that you would see if you ran SQL Profiler on the server. I'd say that, yes, the create statements are being executed. To track down the cause, you can check the list of processes that were connected at the time. Most applications will identify themselves to SQL Server by name in the connection string.
  • Hi Bryan,

    I am pretty certain these CREATE statements are not actually being executed, Grant Fritchey gave me some advice on a similar situation here http://ask.sqlservercentral.com/questions/3577/cross-database-functions where he says that the DMVs refer to the object being execute with the CREATE syntax as it cannot/has not resolved it to just the object name. In short the long running query is the execution of the object that the CREATE script would create, not the creation of the object itself.

    Hope this makes sense, if not feel free to get in touch or maybe get hold of Grant!

    Can you forward this to the Response v2 team or shall I get in touch direct?

    Senior DBA
    Careers South West Ltd
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hi Jonathan,

    I've let the Response guys know about this forum topic.
  • Great, thanks for passing the message along. Also my apologies for mis-spelling your name previously. We have a Bryan here and its auto-pilot typing I'm afraid!

    Senior DBA
    Careers South West Ltd
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