Creating Image from multiple file SQL Backups
Hi, we are currently evaluating SQLClone. Can you tell me approximately how long it will take to create an image from a 700Gb SQL Backup? We started the process of creating a image, it has been taking 10 hours and it is still only "checking for compatibility"
Our other database is 6Tb in size backed up to 2Tb backup, how long should this take?
We backup using SQLBackup 7, backups are divided in 7 backup files
Our other database is 6Tb in size backed up to 2Tb backup, how long should this take?
We backup using SQLBackup 7, backups are divided in 7 backup files
Other than that, I would say it is VERY dependent on your IO read, network, IO write capabilities and latencies - which can each be a HUGE impediment to throughput.
SQL Server MVP 2007-2012
Indicium Resources, Inc.
Is there anyone that use SQLClone for larger databases 100GB plus?
Maybe there is an issue with the evaluation version?
I also tried creating a image directly from a 100Gb database, this also does not get past the "checking for compatibility.." There are no errors.
We are using SQL Server 2016 and the backups are made using Redgate SQL Backup 7
OS: Windows Server 2012 R2
Processor: Intel Xeon CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00GhZ (2 processors)
RAM: 224Gb
Storage: SAN