Getting an Index Out of Range Error After Reading Permissions - SQL2016 Database
We have developed a toolkit that is currently using version 10 of the compare SDK. When running toolkit against a SQL2016 database an index out of range error occurs after the Reading Permissions step when registering the live database with RedGate. This error does not happen when working with non-SQL2016 databases. Any ideas?
We have developed a toolkit that is currently using version 10 of the compare SDK. When running toolkit against a SQL2016 database an index out of range error occurs after the Reading Permissions step when registering the live database with RedGate. This error does not happen when working with non-SQL2016 databases. Any ideas?
SQL 2016 was not supported until version 12 of the comparison SDK which is likely the reason for the error you're getting. Can you please update to v12?
Hope that helps!
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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