Scripts Folder Stored Procedure Identical Name issue

I am attempting to create a scripts folder of a DB that will be added to source control (TFVC). The Sync fails b/c there are several SP that SQL Compare is telling me have identical names. These SP are named the same but are appended with a number; for example sp_GetBillingInfo.sql, sp_GetBillingInfo1.sql and sp_GetBillingInfo2.sql. While versions one and two are very similar to GetBillingInfo they are used at different times and are unique.
With that said how to get SQL Compare to understand that these SP are different? I understand that could force the dev team rename the SP to a more appropriate name like sp_GetBillingInfo4Step1.sql instead of sp_GetBillingInfo1.sql. I may try this but I also want to know if there are any other options for me.
I am attempting to create a scripts folder of a DB that will be added to source control (TFVC). The Sync fails b/c there are several SP that SQL Compare is telling me have identical names. These SP are named the same but are appended with a number; for example sp_GetBillingInfo.sql, sp_GetBillingInfo1.sql and sp_GetBillingInfo2.sql. While versions one and two are very similar to GetBillingInfo they are used at different times and are unique.
With that said how to get SQL Compare to understand that these SP are different? I understand that could force the dev team rename the SP to a more appropriate name like sp_GetBillingInfo4Step1.sql instead of sp_GetBillingInfo1.sql. I may try this but I also want to know if there are any other options for me.
The filenames don't matter to SQL Compare, just the contents of the files.
Redgate Software
These two SP are different
Error Message:
"A duplicate stored procedure name ([DBO].SDISP_HLIC_GET_INQUIRY]) has been found. This may occur if the SQL Server that you are reqistering is case sendsitive but the case sensitive option is not set"
I've seen this once before when I was using Sql Compare v7.0 and we had some Full Text search code (Constraints) that it didn't like. The compare would keep added a new SP with a number appended it like above to the scripts folder.
Trouble here is the SP are in the Live DB
Is this a script folder that you've just saved from a live database with SQL Compare, or a script folder you've made in some other way?
Redgate Software
I forgot to have my V8 this morning
just realized that real issue was not the fore mentioned SP but the one just below it
and the error message what telling me it all along
I thought I had case sensitive option set
Nevertheless, I am facing a new issue one that I have had before and just mentioned. SQL Compare keep considering one SP as different even I've synced multiple times.
Issues is large block of Commented out code, as soon I ignore comments all is fine but I'd like to have comments synced
Below is the code: