NVarchar(Max) odd results

When I compare a script folder with SQL Compare 7.1 it is showing the script version as containing
whereas the live table is shown as
[nvarchar] (max) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS
This means that I can't sync the schemas as it fails to find the type [sys].[nvarchar(max)]
whereas the live table is shown as
[nvarchar] (max) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS
This means that I can't sync the schemas as it fails to find the type [sys].[nvarchar(max)]
1) Where does the script folder come from? Is it saved directly from the live database (and if so with what version of Compare), or has it been edited by hand / generated by some other tool?
2) Does the script file for the troublesome object actually contain the string '[sys].[nvarchar(max)]' or is the script parser changing the line containing this type in any way?
Redgate Software
I was editing the scripts to remove a large number of extended properties and changed from ntext to nvarchar(max), but I wrote it as [nvarchar(max)] rather than [nvarchar] (max) so the parser was confused.