Bug: Sql Prompt Crashing Management Studio with a specific TSQL script

in SQL Prompt
When copying and pasting the setup SQL code of the DML Dasboard on the SQL management studio, if SQL prompt has "Enable Suggestions" enabled, it crashes the Management studio.
This is tested and reproducted on every attempt on SQL management studio 2012 (11.0.6020.0) and 17.1 (14.0.17119.0) with SQL Prompt
Actual sql code is too long to be inserted here , it can be downloaded from here
This is tested and reproducted on every attempt on SQL management studio 2012 (11.0.6020.0) and 17.1 (14.0.17119.0) with SQL Prompt
Actual sql code is too long to be inserted here , it can be downloaded from here
Sorry for the inconvenience. I recreated the problem on my machine.
I've created ticket issue for that: SP-6441.
Thank you for your notification.
Best regards
Krzysztof Kroczak
We've fixed this issue in our latest version of SQL Prompt (installer here).
You can find more information about this release in this forum post.
Kind regards,
Redgate Software