Incorrect alias assignment

I have assigned an alias to a table in SQL Prompt - Options - Inserted code > Aliases.
Table name: iVide_factSubtraject. Alias: vfSu
Resulting code:
SELECT * FROM dbo.iVide_factSubtraject vfSu2
I've checked RedGate_SqlPrompt_Engine_EngineOptions.xml to check if the Alias somehow occurs multiple times. Which isn't the case. Is there an other file that somehow messes up the alias assignment?
Has anyone had this problem before?
Hi Willem,
Have you experienced this issue with other aliases ?
Does this still occur if you change the alias for iVide_factSubtraject to something else ?
Would it be possible for you to send us your RedGate_SqlPrompt_Engine_EngineOptions.xml ?
Thank you
Thank you for replying!
It does not seem to happen to other aliasses. But it's a long list so I can't test them all.
I've changed the alias of iVide_factSubtraject to several other forms, and those work flowlessly. As soon as I change it back to vfSu SQL Prompt adds a 2 to it.
If you tell me where to send RedGate_SqlPrompt_Engine_EngineOptions.xml I don't mind sending you the file. Our datawarehouse supplier also uses this alias list, and it's annoying if my code differs from theirs.
I haven't been able to reproduce this issue on my machine .Please could you can send your options file to It'll hopefully help us find the problem. The file is in "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 7".