Newbie: how to synchronize tables with renamed fields?

Hello! I have two copies of the database. A structure of a copy #1 was modified, in particular, several PK fields were renamed. I was going to use RedGate SQL Compare to update second copy of a database the same way I updated first one. I ran SQL Compare, but did not find any way top tell it that fields were just renamed. So, SQL Compare (synchronization wizard) thinks that old fields were deleted and new ones were added. Because these fields are primary keys (and identity fields too), synchronization cannot be performed. At least - I didn't find a way to do synchronization.
The whole idea was to simplify live database modification by automatically generating a single change script and then running it. But it looks like I need to manually generate several scripts using SQL Server Management Studio and run them, while RedGate SQL Compare cannot help.
The whole idea was to simplify live database modification by automatically generating a single change script and then running it. But it looks like I need to manually generate several scripts using SQL Server Management Studio and run them, while RedGate SQL Compare cannot help.
Vladimir Kelman
Let us know if this approach works for you.
Kind regards,
David Atkinson
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software